Select a membership:
Monthly Membership
The monthly membership starts with a free 14-day trial that will give you unlimited access to the whole of our online platform including our weekly live class via Zoom. At the end of your trial, your subscription will automatically roll over to our monthly subscription unless cancelled prior.
Monthly Membership Price:
AUD - $45 = $1.50/day
GBP - £25 = £0.83/day
What am I getting?
Unlimited access to all on-demand workouts
Unlimited access to all on-demand challenges
Unlimited access to weekly member's live classes
A monthly workout program released on the 1st of each month
Monthly newsletter - including health and fitness tips and much more
A healthier, happier and more confident self!
Annual Membership
The annual membership starts with a free 14-day trial that will give you unlimited access to the whole of all online workouts including our weekly live classes via Zoom. At the end of your trial, your subscription will automatically roll over to our yearly subscription unless cancelled prior.
Yearly Membership Price:
AUD - $360 = $30/mth - $1/day
GBP - £200 = £16.60/mth - £0.55/day
What am I getting?
Unlimited access to all on-demand workouts
Unlimited access to all on-demand challenges
Unlimited access to weekly member's live classes
A weekly monthly program released on the first of each month
Monthly newsletter - including health and fitness tips and much more
A healthier, happier and more confident self!